
Pinball with No Computers

3 months 2 weeks ago
Pinball machines were the video games of their day. Back when they were king, there were no microcontrollers — everything was electromechanical. We know from experience that fixing these was …read more
Al Williams

It’s Pronounced GIF

3 months 2 weeks ago
As the holiday season is upon us and a Hackaday scribe sits protected from the incoming Atlantic storms in her snug eyrie, it’s time for her to consider the basics …read more
Jenny List

Spying on the ESP32’s GPIO

3 months 2 weeks ago
The ESP32 has been a go-to microcontroller platform for a while now, thanks to its versatile capabilities, integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, and low power consumption. It’s ideal for a …read more
Bryan Cockfield
42 minutes 38 seconds ago
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