There’s something magical about the clunk of a heavy 1950s portable radio – the solid thunk of Bakelite, the warm hum of tubes glowing to life. This is exactly why …read more
Satellite imagery is in the news right now, but not all satellite constellations are the preserve of governments. Satellogic operates a series of CubeSats with Earth imaging payloads, and best …read more
[Tech Minds] built one of those cheap automatic antenna tuners you see everywhere — this one scaled up to 350 watt capability. The kit is mostly built, but you do …read more
Modern e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle are incredible pieces of engineering, but that doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement. A device custom-built to your own specifications is always …read more
There have been several attempts to make an unencumbered version of Windows. ReactOS is perhaps the best-known, although you could argue Wine and its progeny, while not operating systems in …read more
When it comes to what birds have and what humans don’t, your mind might first land on the ability to fly. However, birds are also pretty good at navigating from …read more
Recently there was a panicked scrambling after the announcement by [Tarlogic] of a ‘backdoor’ found in Espressif’s popular ESP32 MCUs. Specifically a backdoor on the Bluetooth side that would give …read more
Despite a general lack of real-world experience, many teenagers are overly confident in their opinions, often to the point of brashness and arrogance. In the late 90s and early 00s …read more
Science fiction authors and readers dream of travelling at the speed of light, but Einstein tells us we can’t. You might think that’s an arbitrary rule, but [FloatHeadPhysics] shows a …read more
If you’ve ever fancied building a ZX Spectrum clone without hunting down ancient ULAs or soldering your way through 60+ chips, [Alex J. Lowry] has just dropped an exciting build. …read more
If you’ve ever been configuring a router or other network device and noticed that you can set up IPv4 and IPv6, you might have wondered what happened to IPv5. Well, …read more
You’ve doubtless seen those ubiquitous clock modules, especially when setting clocks for daylight savings time. You know the ones: a single AA battery, a wheel to set the time, and …read more
It’s been a busy week in space news, and very little of it was good. We’ll start with the one winner of the week, Firefly’s Blue Ghost Mission 1, which …read more
Small cylindrical parts are often formed through deep drawing — a process by which a punch forms the finished piece from a flat sheet of metal using a forming die. …read more
What would you do with dozens and dozens of outdated Chromebooks that are no longer getting updates from the Google Mothership? It’s a situation that plenty of schools will have …read more
Getting a robot to stand on two wheels without tipping over involves a challenging dance with the laws of physics. Self-balancing robots are a great way to get into control …read more
SD cards & the much smaller microSD cards are found on many devices, with the card often accessible from outside the enclosure. Unfortunately there’s a solid chance that especially small …read more
Imagine cooling your building with the same principle that kept Victorian-era icehouses stocked with lake-frozen blocks, but in modern form. That’s the idea behind ice batteries, a clever energy storage …read more
The late 1950s were such an optimistic time in America. World War II had been over for less than a decade, the economy boomed thanks to pent-up demand after years …read more
Movies mirror the time they were made. [ErnieTech] asserts that we can see what people thought about computers back in 1957 by watching the classic Spencer Tracy/Katharine Hepburn movie “Desk …read more